Indoor Air Quality Often Tied to Building Products: OSB vs Plywood How does moisture affect the performance of each of these building products and how can that moisture affect you and the quality of the air that you breathe? A big difference between OSB and plywood buildingn
Read more →Air Pollution in the Miami Valley, Ohio Who’s got your back? Have you wondered, here in the Miami Valley, whose job it is to monitor the air we breath? RAPCA, The Regional Air Pollution Control Agency, is that agency. It is regional in that their jurisdiction covers
Read more →Asbestos in Children’s Toys Is Your Child Coloring with Asbestos? According to a recent article by Brian Bienkowski with Environmental Health news, some children’s crayons and play, crime lab kits contain cancer-causing, lung damaging asbestos fibers. A report, commissioned by the environmental nonprofit Environmental Working Group Action
Read more →Asbestos Pollution and Hazardous Material Exposure According to a blog by Kaitlyn Fusco on, natural disasters, industrial accidents, and even acts of terrorism, often scatter hazardous materials, including asbestos, across miles and wide geographical areas. This often includes dust, soot, concrete powder, lead, from old paint,
Read more →Surviving an Ohio EPA Inspection – Part 2 by: Amy Wyatt As discussed in an earlier blog, being prepared is the best starting point for surviving an EPA inspection. By preparation, good record keeping throughout the year, and keeping up with requirements, the inspection itself will be
Read more →LEED Rating System & Indoor Air Quality A report from Environment & Human Health, Inc (EHHI) of the US argues that the USGBC’s LEED rating system favors energy efficiency over indoor environmental quality. “There is an urgent need to include human health in the definition of what
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