Information on Commercial Property & Residential Asbestos Testing, Environmental Site Assessments and more

Climate Change in Pictures

Climate Change in Pictures Is a picture worth a thousand words?  NASA has developed 4 visualizations of some of the Earth’s key climate change indicators and how they have changed and are continuing to change.  Proving a picture is worth a thousand words.  These include: Sea Ice

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Surviving an EPA Wastewater Inspection

Surviving an Ohio EPA Wastewater Inspection There are several different types of wastewater inspections that involve: Compliance Evaluation Inspections (a non-sampling inspection verifying permittee’s compliance with applicable permit self-monitoring requirements, effluent limits and compliance schedules) Reconnaissance Inspections (a brief visual inspection of the permittee’s treatment facility, effluents,

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Surviving an EPA Inspection – Part I

Surviving an Ohio EPA Inspection – Part 1 The General EPA Inspection Process by: Amy Wyatt  When companies or businesses hear the phrase “EPA Inspection”, many tend to panic.  It can be intimidating to have an inspector come in and pour through your files and scrutinize your

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LEED Rating System & Indoor Air Quality

LEED Rating System & Indoor Air Quality A report from Environment & Human Health, Inc (EHHI) of the US argues that the USGBC’s LEED rating system favors energy efficiency over indoor environmental quality. “There is an urgent need to include human health in the definition of what

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Tips for a Merry and Green Holiday Season

Tips for a Merry and Green Holiday Season Excerpt from Union of Concerned Scientists, Greentips There are simple ways to “green up” your holidays that may even save you money and spark new gift ideas. Keep these considerations in mind: Life span: Look for gifts that are long-lasting

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OSHA, GHS, and Your MSDS and Labels

OSHA, GHS, and Your MSDS and Labels

OSHA, GHS, and Your MSDS and Labels OSHA released its proposal to modify the current Hazard CommunicationStandard (HCS) to conform with the United Nations Globally HarmonizedSystem of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The proposed PSHA revisionsinclude both philosophical and tactical changes to Hazard Communication that havefar-reaching

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