Asbestos Hazard: Six Common Questions
Important Asbestos Information for Ohio Businesses and Families
Asbestos is a material that has been used in building materials for years. It has many beneficial characteristics. However, it is a dangerous carcinogen if it is airborne and is inhaled.
1. What is asbestos?
Asbestos is a mineral which is structured as bundles of fibers. There are six primary types of asbestos with Chrysotile being the most common in building materials.
2. What are asbestos fibers? 
An asbestos fiber is a particular form of asbestos that is very small. Asbestos fibers may become airborne for long periods of time due to their size, shape and density which makes them undetectable to the eye.
3. What are the health risks of airborne asbestos fibers?
When asbestos fibers are inhaled over a period of time, they may cause lung disease which could be asbestosis, mesothelioma, or other forms of lung cancer. These are the three most common and most serious health issue associate with asbestos exposure.
4. What is ACM?
ACM stands for asbestos-containing material. ACM is any material containing more than 1% asbestos. Chrysotile makes up 95% of all asbestos in use. It is used in roofs, ceilings, walls, and floors of many homes and businesses. Because asbestos is fire-resistant and durable it has been used in brake pads, vinyl floor tiles, and cement pipes. Most asbestos-containing products can still be legally manufactured, imported and processed in the United States.
5. Does asbestos-containing material need to be sampled and identified prior to renovation/demolition?
Yes. Renovation or demolition activities involving ACM can disturb the asbestos and make the fibers airborne. This is dangerous to human health and is against the law. The asbestos needs to be identified by a state certified asbestos professional who will conduct a thorough asbestos investigation, with appropriate sampling, to determine where the asbestos is, what condition it is in and approximate amount. With that information, the asbestos can be remediated by a licensed remediator and then any renovation or demolition can proceed.
6. Can I sample suspect ACM material without hiring a professional? Likewise can I personally remediate any asbestos found?
Many states allow homeowners who live in the home to collect samples and remove the asbestos themselves. However, if you own a home but do not live in it you may not sample or remediate the asbestos yourself. All commercial and industrial properties are required to hire licensed professionals.
Asbestos is a serious and dangerous substance. It’s important to understand the risks before purchasing, renovating or demolishing property.
Turn-Key Environmental Consultants are asbestos experts. Contact us today for asbestos testing in the Dayton, Ohio area.